Here you see,... 'The Shanty Shack'

*Home of Maverick Mustang Manuscripts (England)*

"It has potential for some serious writing"

Check out Dusti's Blog on here, 'Workin' the Wilderness' ... 



Bootleg Books

Dagenwulf Poetry  (On Silent Wings)

Pagan Prose

​Piscean Press (The Serpent of the Sea)

.The Man behind the Myth


The Writer - Dusti Rodes

 About Me

Travellin' troubadour and teller of tall tales. Jist a rag-gedy man, from deep down in the deltas.
Writer of lyrical narratives. Painter of Life's pictures. Often found to be wearing a waistcoat. Sometimes can be discovered headed in a hat.

I've dug ditches, pumped petrol, worked in 'five'n'dimes', picked fruit, and been a mailman, a hobo and a high flyer in my time. Had serious open-heart surgery. Eaten chicken cooked on an open volcanic blow-hole. Swum in both the Atlantic and the Med. And that's only the first sixty-eight years so far!


​​*Coming later in 2021*

New Year - New Look - New Attitude!

This website is being completely overhauled over the next couple of months

To all of you following me on here and out there in cyberspace elsewhere, please keep your eye out for the changes that will be coming! (including the new logo for the 'corporate' cover of books being published under my banner.


​'The Triple M' - Giving whole new meanings to both 'Going Green' & 'Indie Publishing!'


'​Talking Heads'  ... By night, my dreams are filled with listening to their stories; my days are spent telling their tales.


Settin' the Scene

Howdy, Cats,
I's just got back.
And I'm lookin' for the place,
They calls 'The Shanty Shack'.

They say it's as fine,
As an old, old wine.
And it's really on the ball.
It has no windows, no door,
An' sawdust on the floor,
It's jist a hole in the wall.

Did I hear you say,
That it's located down by the creek?
And is it true it's a place
Where you might get a whole parcel
Of mighty good things to eat?

 Man, I've heard 'em say,
That it's where the really coolest cats meet.
And you is real lucky,
If youse can actually gets a seat!

 Oh, there's a place over yonder,
Right where the light is shinin' out thru d'wall,
An' it sure looks like,
They is havin' one heck of a ball!

So come on, all you people,
Let's grab us some drinks,
An' sits ourselves down way out back.
'Cos the party is about to start,
Ats 'The Shanty Shack’!


"If your dreams at night are filled with  people speaking words , and when you awake, all you can think to do is to scribble them down; Then you are a Writer."


"If in rhyming slang, you're gonna say you're a professional gun-fighter (writer), You had better be able to back up your claim; when challenged to make your play ..."

​Finally Flying under my own Flag

“I never meant to be known as a Man of Mystery. My reticence for the limelight of Fame was born out of a sense of shyness and insecurity. But you have to capitalise on circumstance, don’t you?”

“Someone asked me when did I first know I wanted to be a writer? … I explained that I’d told the midwife that when she’d finished cleaning me up I’d need a pen to record my experiences in the womb …”

 “I’m moving some of my stuff
Outa that there ol’ Shack,
That I was a'dwellin’ in.
An’ I ain’t a'plannin’
To be takin’ it back.
‘Cos they is raising the rent,
To a price highers than I wants to pay.
So I’ll just squat here for awhile,
And hope that the people here will let me stay!”

'Bendacht For Cech N-Oen Legfas'

(A blessing on all those who read this)

Welcome to 'Attacoia' - (Muddy Place)
Brought to you from The Shanty Shack,
Deep down in the Delta.
Built on and based in the home
Of true Blues music!


The old adage applies here, if you like what you see, Tell your friends, if you don't .. tell Me!

I don't NEED 'followers', I would LIKE 'readers' of my works .... "

Hopefully this will develop into a place where anyone will be able to feel free to be able to drop by, and stay a spell whilst chewing the fat or cud, depending on your preference!
Over time, I intend on publishing most of the poetry and prose that I have been writing over the last fifty odd years, based on my thoughts and Life experiences, and all the new stuff that crosses my mind. 
I may even get around  to writing a few of those novels that some have heard rumoured about!
Feel free to comment, critique, or whatever. on my writing attempts.
Praiseis always nice, and constructive critique can prove useful.
Looking forward to your company; please do drop by, anytime.
The metaphoric coffee-pot is always on the hob !
Someone once said, 'There's blues in all music, if you ain't got blues, you ain't got music!
Best regards, to you all. Dusti.

*Nowadays, I am basically blogging here on my own domains. I have two, ( I am developing the other as a repository for the collections of my poetry) and writing even more of my ramblings. Putting it all down on the laptop for the most part, whilst still being not adverse to using the old faithful pen & notebooks as and when Martha, my Muse, makes her appearance in those odd times when modern technology is absent*​


They also said I need to have a 'presence' on Social Media sites, so you can find me on Twitter:


and on FB:

* All original material, artwork, photos, poetry & prose, video, on these sites are covered by Copyright. - Dusti Rodes.* 

"Follow your dreams - And make them happen"
"If you believe it, you can achieve it"
"The grass isn't always greener on the other side - but it is greener, where You water it"
"It is not only the mountains that appear on our travels through Life that we conquer, but also it is ourselves"

We are a small community of poets, writers, and artists.
It is our aim to support what could be described as an offline culture.
We are interested in what writers and visual artists create in solitude, that stretch of time when distractions fade, and deep wells of thinking and feelings emerge.
We aim to spark conversations between those who find artistic expression, philosophical comment, and reverence for the natural world a critical counterweight to the racket and fragmentation of what is deemed as modern day living.
We want hopefully to preserve as much human contact as possible, in what is fast becoming an increasingly digital world.

"In my world, there are no 'writer's blocks'; only roads leading to cul-de-sacs."


"Just like a good Book or a fine Wine, this is to be stored in the libraries of your mind or the cellars of your experiences; to be savoured when it suits ...." 


Y'on t'Internet?

Publish your poems,
Using a bona-fide Printer?
All that paper and ink?
Finding Fonts,
Proof reading,
Packaging and postage;

Is that what you think?

Pah! and pooh-pooh,
To that idea;
Whack'em on the Web, son!
Send'em into cyberspace!
Why settle for Wapping, tomorrow;
When you can have the World, today!


"Don't step out when you're close to the edge ."

"They say that the line between complete madness and true genius is hair thin,
And I'm just not sure which side of the line it is that I'm spending most of my time, these days ..

I will leave it to you to draw your own conclusions!"


"It is no fool who gives that which they cannot possibly keep, to gain that which they cannot lose" - Unknown

* Tumblr has just informed me that the original  version of my blog 'ATTACOIA' on their site has now just passed its 10th birthday - It  really doesn't seem that long ago! 

​It can be found at

*I'll take 'em, any way they come!*

Someone said to me the other day. .."So much for the theory everyone has a book in them .... Heck, you've got a whole library full!"

​Maverick Mustang Manuscripts 

The Story Teller                 ​ 


"Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self...." - Cyril Connolly


The Shanty


Another couple of my blogs, where you can find other examples of my work are to be found at

They are Dagenwulf and On Silent Wings

"If you build it; they WILL come"

        - Field of Dreams -

"I am a Wordsmith by trade .... I write about what obsesses me. As a Writer, I live in a world populated by mainly imaginary people. But that's OK, they know me well here ..."
